On June 25, 2019, Patrice Ossona de Mendez from CNRS, France presented a talk on the structural sparsity of graphs in terms of the model theoretic notion of first-order transduction. The title of his talk was “A model theoretical approach to sparsity“.
Welcome Donggyu Kim (김동규), a new graduate student, and William Overman, a visiting undergraduate student in the IBS discrete mathematics group

The IBS discrete mathematics group welcomes two new students.
Donggyu Kim (김동규) is a new graduate student from July 2019 and is currently a graduate student at the department of mathematical sciences, KAIST.
William Overman is a visiting student from June 2019 to August 2019 and is currently an undergraduate student in California Institute of Technology. His research visit is sponsored by his home university.
Suil O (오수일) presented his work on an upper bound of the 3rd largest eigenvalue of a regular graph to guarantee the existence of an odd (1,b)-factor at the discrete math seminar
On June 19, 2019, Suil O (오수일) from SUNY Korea, Incheon presented his work on an upper bound of the third largest eigenvalue of a connected r-regular graph to have an odd (1,b)-factor. The title of his talk was “An odd [1,b]-factor in regular graphs from eigenvalues“.
Welcome Dabeen Lee (이다빈), a new research fellow in the IBS discrete mathematics group

The IBS discrete mathematics group welcomes Dr. Dabeen Lee (이다빈), a new research fellow at the IBS discrete mathematics group from June 2019.
He received his Ph.D. from the Program of Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization at the Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Prof. Gérard P. Cornuéjols in 2019. Welcome!
2019 Combinatorics Workshop (2019 조합론 학술대회) will be held in Songdo, Incheon from August 13 to August 15, 2019
This year, 2019 Combinatorics Workshop (2019 조합론 학술대회) will be held in Songdo, Incheon from August 13, 2019 to August 15, 2019. This is an annual meeting of combinatorics people in Korea, started in 2004.
The list of major speakers includes Mihyun Kang from T. U. Graz and Jaehoon Kim from KAIST, Seung Jin Lee from Seoul National University, and Meesue Yoo from Dankook University.
The conference website is located on https://cw2019.combinatorics.kr/. Please register if you want to participate.
올해 2019 조합론 학술대회가 인천 송도에서 2019년 8월 13일부터 15일까지 열립니다. 이 행사는 2004년부터 시작된 한국 내 조합론 연구자들의 연례 미팅입니다.
이번의 주요 연사로는 오스트리아 Graz 공대의 강미현 교수, KAIST 김재훈 교수, 서울대 이승진 교수, 단국대 유미수 교수가 있습니다.
워크샵 홈페이지는 https://cw2019.combinatorics.kr/입니다. 참가를 원하시면 등록하시기 바랍니다.

Previous Combinatorics Workshops
- 2018 Combinatorics Workshop (2018 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 17 – 18 (Fri-Sat), 2018
- Venue: Seoul National University, Seoul
- 2017 Combinatorics Workshop (2017 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 16 – 17 (Wed-Thu), 2017
- Venue: Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon
- 2016 Combinatorics Workshop (2016 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: July 21 – 23 (Thu-Sat), 2016
- Venue: KAIST, Daejeon
- 2015 Combinatorics Workshop (2015 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: July 13-16 (Mon-Thu), 2015
- Venue:Center for Applications of Mathematical Principles (CAMP), NIMS, Daejeon
- 2014 Combinatorics Workshop (2014 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: October 31 – November 1 (Fri-Sat), 2014
- Venue: Ajou University, Suwon
- 2013 Combinatorics Workshop (2013 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 7 – 9 (Wed-Fri), 2013
- Venue: Center for Applications of Mathematical Principles (CAMP), NIMS, Daejeon
- 2012 Combinatorics Workshop (2012 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 9 – 10 (Thu-Fri), 2012
- Venue: Chonnam National University, Gwangju
- 2011 Combinatorics Workshop (2011 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 17 – 19 (Wed-Fri), 2011
- Venue: Kangwon National University, Chuncheon
- 2010 Combinatorics Workshop (2010 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 20 – 21 (Fri-Sat), 2010
- Venue: Yeongnam University, Gyeongsan
- 2009 Combinatorics Workshop (2009 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 20 – 21 (Thu-Fri), 2009
- Venue: KAIST, Daejeon
- 2008 Workshop on Combinatorics (2008 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 7 – 8 (Thu-Fri), 2008
- Venue: Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon
- 2007 Combinatorics Workshop (2007 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 6 – 8 (Mon-Wed), 2007
- Venue: KAIST, Daejeon
- 2006 Combinatorics Workshop (2006 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 9 – 10 (Wed-Thu), 2006
- Venue: Yeongnam University, Gyeongsan
- 2005 Combinatorial Mathematics Conference (2005 조합수학 학술대회)
- Date: August 8 – 10 (Mon-Wed), 2005
- Venue: Yonsei University, Seoul
- 2004 Combinatorics Workshop (2004 조합론 학술대회)
- Date: August 16 – 17 (Mon-Tue), 2004
- Venue: Yonsei University, Seoul
Jinyoung Park (박진영) presented her work on the number of maximal independent sets in the hypercube graph at the Discrete Math Seminar
On June 3, 2019, Jinyoung Park (박진영) from Rutgers University, USA presented her joint work with Jeff Kahn on the number of maximal independent sets in the hypercube graph at the Discrete Math Seminar. The title of her talk was “The maximal independent sets in the Hamming cube“.