Dabeen Lee received the INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize on October 20, 2019

On October 20, 2019, Dabeen Lee (이다빈), a research fellow at the IBS discrete mathematics group, received the 2nd place prize in the INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize. This prize was established in 2006 by the Optimization Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences and is awarded annually at the INFORMS Annual Meeting for the most outstanding paper in optimization. This year, the INFORMS Annual Meeting was held in Seattle, USA.

Dabeen was awarded for the paper co-authored with his Ph.D. advisor Prof. Gérard Cornuéjols, titled “On some polytopes contained in the 0,1 hypercube that have a small Chvátal rank“. This paper was published in Mathematical Programming in November 2018.

DIMAG hosted “The 2nd East Asia Workshop on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory” at Jeju

From October 31 to November 4, 2019, IBS discrete mathematics group hosted the 2nd East Asia Workshop on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory in Jeju. It is a workshop to bring active researchers in the field of extremal and structural graph theory, especially in the East Asia such as China, Japan, and Korea. Participants have great chance to discuss recent progress in graph theory, interesting open problems, finding new potential collaborators, and exploring the beautiful island.

Invited Speakers

  • Ping Hu, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
  • Jaehoon Kim, KAIST, Korea
  • O-joung Kwon, Incheon National University and IBS Discrete Mathematics Group, Korea
  • Joonkyung Lee, University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Binlong Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
  • Hongliang Lu, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
  • Abhishek Methuku, IBS Discrete Mathematics Group, Korea
  • Atsuhiro Nakamoto, Yokohama National University, Japan
  • Kenta Noguchi, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
  • Kenta Ozeki, Yokohama National University, Japan
  • Boram Park, Ajou University, Korea
  • Yuejian Peng, Hunan University, China
  • Zi-Xia Song, University of Central Florida, U.S.A.
  • Tomáš Kaiser, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic.
  • Maho Yokota, Tokyo University of Science, Japan.
  • Xuding Zhu, Zhejiang Normal University, China


ToshikiAbeYokohama National University
JunghoAhnKAIST / IBS Discrete Mathematics Group
SejeongBangYeungnam University
IlkyooChoiHankook University of Foreign Studies
Jeong OkChoiGIST
ShinyaFujitaYokohama City University
AlexanderGavrilyukPusan National University
PascalGollinIBS Discrete Mathematics Group
KevinHendreyIBS Discrete Mathematics Group
PingHuSun Yat-sen University
TomášKaiserUniversity of West Bohemia
Dong YeapKangKAIST / IBS Discrete Mathematics Group
GenKawataniTokyo University of Science
DonggyuKimKAIST / IBS Discrete Mathematics Group
Jeong HanKimKIAS
Seog-JinKimKonkuk University
YounjinKimEwha Womans University
O-joungKwonIncheon National University / IBS Discrete Mathematics Group
Young SooKwonYeungnam University
DabeenLeeIBS Discrete Mathematics Group
DuksangLeeKAIST / IBS Discrete Mathematics Group
JoonkyungLeeUniversity of Hamburg
Sang JuneLeeKyung Hee University
Hui LeiNankai University
BinlongLi Northwestern Polytechnical University
HenryLiuSun Yat-sen University
HongliangLuXi’an Jiaotong University
JieMaUniversity of Science and Technology of China
YulaiMaNankai University
RyotaMatsubaraShibaura Institute of Technology
AbhishekMethukuIBS Discrete Mathematics Group
Atsuhiro NakamotoYokohama National University
KentaNoguchiTokyo University of Science
Sang-ilOumIBS Discrete Mathematics Group / KAIST
KentaOzekiYokohama National University
BoramParkAjou University
JongyookParkKyungpook National University
YuejianPengHunan University
YoshioSanoUniversity of Tsukuba
YongtangShiNankai University
MarkSiggersKyungpook National University
Zi-XiaSongUniversity of Central Florida
CaseyTompkinsIBS Discrete Mathematics Group
GuanghuiWangShandong University
DouglasWestZhejiang Normal University
Hehui WuShanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences
MahoYokotaTokyo U Science
XinZhangXidian University
XudingZhuZhejiang Normal University


  • Seog-Jin Kim, Konkuk University, Korea.
  • Sang-il Oum, IBS Discrete Mathematics Group, Korea and KAIST, Korea.
  • Kenta Ozeki, Yokohama National University, Japan.
  • Hehui Wu, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, China.

Pascal Gollin gave a talk on the existence of a decomposition of an infinite graph into spanning trees at the discrete math seminar

On October 29, 2019, Pascal Gollin from IBS discrete mathematics group gave a talk on the existence of a decomposition of an infinite graph into spanning trees in terms of the existence of packing and covering of spanning trees at the discrete math seminar. The title of his talk was “A Cantor-Bernstein-type theorem for spanning trees in infinite graphs“.

Alexandr V. Kostochka gave a colloquium talk on Ramsey-type problems for paths and cycles at the KAIST MathSci – IBS DIMAG Joint Colloquium

On October 8, 2019, Prof. Alexandr V. Kostochka from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign gave a colloquium talk at the KAIST Mathematical Sciences – IBS Discrete Mathematics Group Joint Colloquium. The title of his talk was “On Ramsey-type problems for paths and cycles in dense graphs“. He will stay one week at IBS Discrete Mathematics Group.

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
E-mail: dimag@ibs.re.kr, Fax: +82-42-878-9209
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