We are hiring: The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) Research Fellowship (Due: Dec. 3, 2023)

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG, https://dimag.ibs.re.kr/) in Daejeon, Korea invites applications for three research fellowship positions.

DIMAG is a research group that was established on December 1, 2018 at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), led by Prof. Sang-il Oum. DIMAG is located at the headquarters of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon, South Korea, a city of 1.5 million people.

Currently, DIMAG consists of researchers from various countries such as Korea, the USA, Germany, Canada, and Australia, and the work is done in English. DIMAG is co-located with the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group (ECOPRO).

Successful candidates for research fellowship positions will be new or recent Ph.D.’s with outstanding research potential in all fields of discrete mathematics with emphasis on structural graph theory, combinatorial optimization, matroid theory, and algorithms.

These appointments are for about two years, and the starting salary is no less than KRW 59,000,000. The appointment is one-time renewable up to 5 years in total contingent upon the outstanding performance of the researcher. The expected appointment date is September 1, 2024, but it is negotiable within the same calendar year.

These are purely research positions and will have no teaching duties.

A complete application packet should include:

  1. AMS standard cover sheet (preferred) or cover letter (PDF format)
  2. Curriculum vitae including a publication list (PDF format)
  3. Research statement (PDF format)
  4. Application for the IBS & Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information (PDF file)
  5. At least 3 recommendation letters

For full consideration, applicants should email items 1, 2, 3, and 4 and arrange their recommendation letters emailed to dimag@ibs.re.kr by December 3, 2023, Sunday. (Anywhere on Earth)

Recommendation letters forwarded by an applicant will not be considered.

DIMAG encourages applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.

For Korean citizens who have not yet completed their military duty: 전문연구요원 종사를 희망하는 경우에는 지원 의사와 병역 관계를 cover letter 및 이메일 등에 표시하여 제출 필요. 다만 현역입영대상자의 전문연구요원 신규 편입은 불가하며, 보충역 대상자 및 타 기관에서 전직해서 오는 경우에 한하여 지원 가능(반드시 타 기관에서 전직 요건이 충족되는 등 전직 요건이 충족 되어야만 함)

Welcome Bingyu Luan from Shandong University and Shuaichao Wang from Nankai University, new visiting graduate students in the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group welcomes Bingyu Luan and Shuaichao Wang, new visiting students of the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group.

Bingyu Luan is currently a graduate student of Shandong University. She arrived at IBS on August 31, 2023 and will stay with us until August 31, 2025.

Shuaichao Wang is currently a graduate student of Nankai University. He arrived at IBS on August 31, 2023 and will stay with us until August 31, 2025.

Welcome Dong Yeap Kang (강동엽), a new member of the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group

The IBS discrete mathematics group welcomes Dr. Dong Yeap Kang (강동엽), a new research fellow at the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group from June 16, 2023. Dr. Kang received his Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematical Science at KAIST in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Sang-il Oum. Before joining the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group, he was a research fellow at the University of Birmingham. He won the IBS Young Scientist Fellowship.

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
E-mail: dimag@ibs.re.kr, Fax: +82-42-878-9209
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