“2024 Combinatorics Workshop” was held at Chungbuk National University on August 28-30

The 2024 Combinatorics Workshop (2024 조합론 학술대회) was held from August 28, 2024 to August 30, 2024 at Chungbuk National University, Cheongju. Combinatorics Workshop (조합론 학술대회) is an annual conference for researchers in combinatorics and related areas in Korea, started in 2004. There were five invited talks and ten contributed talks.

Invited talks

Jeong Han Kim (김정한), KIAS (고등과학원)
Minki Kim (김민기), GIST (광주과학기술원)
Suyoung Choi (최수영), Ajou University (아주대)
Donghyun Kim (김동현), SNU (서울대학교)
Jang Soo Kim (김장수), SKKU (성균관대학교)

Contributed talks

Heesung Shin (신희성), Inha University (인하대)
Hyunwoo Lee (이현우), KAIST & IBS ECOPRO
Jae-Ho Lee (이재호), University of North Florida
Jaehyeon Seo (서재현), Yonsei University (연세대)
Younghan Yoon (윤영한), Ajou University (아주대)
Junho Gong (정준호), Chungbuk National University (충북대)
Sunhyuk Lim (임선혁), Sungkyunkwan University (성균관대)
Jisun Baek (백지선), Yonsei University (연세대)
Minho Song (송민호), Sungkyunkwan University (성균관대)
Donggyu Kim (김동규), KAIST & IBS DIMAG

Organizing Committee
