On March 26, 2024, Evangelos Protopapas from LIRMM gave a talk at the Discrete Math Seminar on characterizing minor-closed classes of graphs satisfying the Erdős-Pósa properties for minors. The title of his talk was “Erdős-Pósa Dualities for Minors“.
Linda Cook gave a talk on bounding the average degree of a graph with no subgraph isomorphic to a fixed complete bipartite subgraph or a subdivision of a fixed graph at the Discrete Math Seminar
On March 12, 2024, Linda Cook from the IBS Discrete Mathematics Group gave a talk at the Discrete Math Seminar about bounding the average degree of a graph with no subgraph isomorphic to a fixed complete bipartite graph or a subdivision of a fixed graph by a polynomial function of the size of the complete bipartite graph. The title of her talk was “On polynomial degree-boundedness“.
William Cook gave a colloquium talk on the Traveling Salesman Problem
On March 6, 2024, William Cook from the University of Waterloo gave a colloquium talk on the Traveling Salesman Problem. The title of his talk was “The Traveling Salesman Problem: Amazon Deliveries, Pub Walks, and Astro Tours“.