We are hiring! IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) Research Fellowship (Due: June 21, 2024)

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) in Daejeon, Korea invites applications for two research fellowship positions.

DIMAG is a research group that was established on December 1, 2018 at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), led by Prof. Sang-il Oum. DIMAG is located at the headquarters of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon, South Korea, a city of 1.5 million people.

Website: https://dimag.ibs.re.kr/

Currently, DIMAG consists of researchers from various countries such as Korea, the USA, Germany, Canada, and Australia, and the work is done in English. DIMAG is co-located with the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group (ECOPRO)

Successful candidates for research fellowship positions will be new or recent Ph.D.’s with outstanding research potential in all fields of Discrete Mathematics with emphasis on Structural Graph theoryCombinatorial OptimizationMatroid Theory, and Algorithms.

These appointments are for about two years, and the starting salary is no less than KRW 59,000,000. The appointment is one-time renewable up to 5 years in total contingent upon the outstanding performance of the researcher. The expected appointment date is March 1, 2025, and it can be adjusted to earlier or later, but no later than June 1, 2025. This is purely a research position and will have no teaching duties.

A complete application packet should include:

  1. AMS standard cover sheet (preferred) or cover letter (PDF format)
  2. Curriculum vitae including a list of publications and preprints (PDF format)
  3. Research statement (PDF format)
  4. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information & Application for the IBS (PDF file)
  5. At least 3 recommendation letters

For full consideration, applicants should email items 1, 2, 3, and 4 and arrange their recommendation letters emailed to dimag@ibs.re.kr by June 21, 2024Anywhere on Earth (AoE).

Recommendation letters forwarded by an applicant will not be considered.

DIMAG encourages applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.

For Korean citizens who have not yet completed their military duty: 전문연구요원 종사를 희망하는 경우에는 지원 의사와 병역 관계를 cover letter 및 이메일 등에 표시하여 제출 필요. 다만 현역입영대상자의 전문연구요원 신규 편입은 불가하며, 보충역 대상자 및 타 기관에서 전직해서 오는 경우에 한하여 지원 가능(전직 요건이 충족 되어야만 함)

Suggested E-mail subject from applicants: [DIMAG – name] 

We are hiring: The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) Research Fellowship (Due: Dec. 3, 2023)

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG, https://dimag.ibs.re.kr/) in Daejeon, Korea invites applications for three research fellowship positions.

DIMAG is a research group that was established on December 1, 2018 at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), led by Prof. Sang-il Oum. DIMAG is located at the headquarters of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon, South Korea, a city of 1.5 million people.

Currently, DIMAG consists of researchers from various countries such as Korea, the USA, Germany, Canada, and Australia, and the work is done in English. DIMAG is co-located with the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group (ECOPRO).

Successful candidates for research fellowship positions will be new or recent Ph.D.’s with outstanding research potential in all fields of discrete mathematics with emphasis on structural graph theory, combinatorial optimization, matroid theory, and algorithms.

These appointments are for about two years, and the starting salary is no less than KRW 59,000,000. The appointment is one-time renewable up to 5 years in total contingent upon the outstanding performance of the researcher. The expected appointment date is September 1, 2024, but it is negotiable within the same calendar year.

These are purely research positions and will have no teaching duties.

A complete application packet should include:

  1. AMS standard cover sheet (preferred) or cover letter (PDF format)
  2. Curriculum vitae including a publication list (PDF format)
  3. Research statement (PDF format)
  4. Application for the IBS & Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information (PDF file)
  5. At least 3 recommendation letters

For full consideration, applicants should email items 1, 2, 3, and 4 and arrange their recommendation letters emailed to dimag@ibs.re.kr by December 3, 2023, Sunday. (Anywhere on Earth)

Recommendation letters forwarded by an applicant will not be considered.

DIMAG encourages applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.

For Korean citizens who have not yet completed their military duty: 전문연구요원 종사를 희망하는 경우에는 지원 의사와 병역 관계를 cover letter 및 이메일 등에 표시하여 제출 필요. 다만 현역입영대상자의 전문연구요원 신규 편입은 불가하며, 보충역 대상자 및 타 기관에서 전직해서 오는 경우에 한하여 지원 가능(반드시 타 기관에서 전직 요건이 충족되는 등 전직 요건이 충족 되어야만 함)

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Due: December 5, 2021)

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) in Daejeon, Korea invites applications for two postdoctoral research fellowship positions.

URL: https://dimag.ibs.re.kr/hiring/

DIMAG is a research group that was established in December 1, 2018 at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), led by Prof. Sang-il Oum. DIMAG is located at the headquarters of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon, South Korea, a city of 1.5 million people. 

The position is available for individuals who are within the first five years after obtaining their Ph.D. at the date of appointment or expecting to obtain a Ph.D. within three months from the date of appointment. Successful candidates for postdoctoral research fellowship positions will be new or recent Ph.D.’s with outstanding research potential in all fields of discrete mathematics with emphasis on structural graph theory, extremal graph theory, combinatorial optimization, matroid theory, or fixed-parameter tractable algorithms.

This appointment is for two years, and the starting salary is no less than KRW 57,000,000. The appointment is one time renewable up to 3 years in total contingent upon the outstanding performance of the researcher. The expected appointment date is September 1, 2022. This is a purely research position and will have no teaching duties.

A complete application packet should include:

  1. AMS standard cover sheet (preferred) or cover letter (PDF format)
  2. Curriculum vitae including a publication list (PDF format)
  3. Research statement (PDF format)
  4. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information (PDF file)
  5. At least 3 recommendation letters

For full consideration, applicants should email items 1, 2, 3, and 4 and arrange their recommendation letters emailed to dimag@ibs.re.kr by December 5, 2021, Sunday

Recommendations letters forwarded by an applicant will not be considered.

DIMAG encourages applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.

In the unlikely event of closing the group, the employment contract will be terminated accordingly. For Korean citizens who have not yet completed their military duty: IBS는 병역특례지정기관입니다. IBS is a designated institute for alternative military service.

2020-2 Call for IBS Young Scientist Fellowship (Due: December 13, 2020)

Note: IBS Discrete Mathematics Group also has an opening for a postdoctoral fellowship.

1. Purpose and Background

With the vision of “Making Discoveries for Humanity and Society,” the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) was founded in 2011 by the Korean government to promote basic science in Korea. To date, IBS has 31 Research Centers and each Center has been yielding outstanding results in various research fields.

The IBS “Young Scientist Fellowship” started in 2016 to play an active role in fostering the next generation of basic science leaders. We believe this Fellowship offers junior scientists opportunities to conduct independent research by utilizing state-of-the-art infrastructure and to grow on the basis of research collaborations with leading researchers.

We hope that the Fellowship serves as a stepping stone for our researchers to mature into leading researchers in basic science.

2. Eligibility

Within 7 years of obtaining a Ph.D. (obtained no earlier than 1 January 2013) or under the age of 40 with a Ph.D. (born no earlier than 1 January 1980)

※ Ph.D. candidates must be conferred with Ph.D. degrees before February 28, 2021.

※ Current IBS researchers are eligible to apply, if they meet the above criteria.

3. Recruiting Research Center and Number of Openings

Discrete Mathematics Group has an opening for 1 YSF.

For other centers and groups, please visit the IBS website https://www.ibs.re.kr/ysf/.

※ The final number of openings may change depending on the circumstances of IBS.

4. Benefit and Condition

  • Full-time work and 100% research participation in principle
    ※ If successful candidates have been also selected for another institute’s research project (e.g. Sejong Science Fellowship, Young Researcher Program of National Research Foundation), their selection may be cancelled.
  • Annual budget of KRW 150–300 mil. per year, including salary of KRW 60–70 mil. (up to KRW 150 mil. for theoretical fields and up to KRW 300 mil. for experimental fields)
  • Appointment for three years with a possible two-year extension depending on the performance review results
    ※ When current IBS researchers are selected as a Young Scientist Fellow (YSF) of their Center, support will be offered for up to three years. Please refer to the FAQ for details.
  • After physically relocated to one of the IBS Centers, YSFs will conduct independent research by utilizing research facilities and equipment of the Center. YSFs may organize a small research group.
  • Selected YSFs must be appointed and commence their research within 2021.
    ※ If their appointment and research commencement processes are not completed within 2021, their selection may be cancelled.

5. Selection Process: Three Steps

  • Letter of Intent (approx. 3 pages)
    1. Submission deadline: by December 13, 2020
    2. Review by directors and evaluation panel members
    3. Invitation to submit full proposals: by January 15, 2021
  • Full Proposal (approx. 10 pages)
    1. Submission deadline: by February 14, 2021
    2. Review by directors and evaluation panel members
    3. Invitation for an on-site interview: by March 2021
  • Interview
    1. On-site Interview and presentation: in March 2021
    2. Comprehensive review by evaluation panel chairs
    3. Announcement of YSFs: by late April 2021

6. How to Apply

Apply via the IBS website at http://www.ibs.re.kr/ysf/apply by December 13, 2020 (KST).

7. Inquiries

Talent Acquisition and Development Team at ysf@ibs.re.kr or IBS homepage at https://www.ibs.re.kr/ysf

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Due: December 5, 2020)

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) in Daejeon, Korea invites applications for one postdoctoral research fellowship position.

URL: https://dimag.ibs.re.kr/hiring/

DIMAG is a research group that was established in December 1, 2018 at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), led by Prof. Sang-il Oum. DIMAG is located at the headquarters of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon, South Korea, a city of 1.5 million people. 

The position is available for individuals who are within the first five years after obtaining their Ph.D at the date of appointment or be expected to obtain a Ph.D within three months from the date of appointment. Successful candidates for postdoctoral research fellowship positions will be new or recent Ph.D.’s with outstanding research potential in all fields of discrete mathematics with emphasis on structural graph theory, extremal graph theory, combinatorial optimization, matroid theory, or fixed-parameter tractable algorithms.

This appointment is for two years, and the starting salary is no less than KRW 57,000,000. The appointment is one time renewable up to 3 years in total contingent upon the outstanding performance of the researcher. The expected appointment date is September 1, 2021. This is a purely research position and will have no teaching duties.

A complete application packet should include:

  1. AMS standard cover sheet (preferred) or cover letter (PDF format)
  2. Curriculum vitae including a publication list (PDF format)
  3. Research statement (PDF format)
  4. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information (PDF file)
  5. At least 3 recommendation letters

For full consideration, applicants should email items 1, 2, 3, and 4 and arrange their recommendation letters emailed to dimag@ibs.re.kr by December 5, 2020, Saturday

Recommendations letters forwarded by an applicant will not be considered.

DIMAG encourages applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds.

In the unlikely event of closing the Center, the employment contract will be terminated accordingly. For Korean citizens who have not yet completed their military duty: IBS는 병역특례지정기관입니다. IBS is a designated institute for alternative military service.

Hiring: The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Due: Dec. 1, 2019)

The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) in Daejeon, Korea invites applications for several postdoctoral research fellowship positions. The deadline for the application is December 1, 2019 Sunday. For more detail, please visit the hiring page.

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IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
E-mail: dimag@ibs.re.kr, Fax: +82-42-878-9209
Copyright © IBS 2018. All rights reserved.