Eunjin Oh (오은진), Approximation Algorithms for the Geometric Multimatching Problem

Let S and T be two sets of points in a metric space with a total of n points. Each point in S and T has an associated value that specifies an upper limit on how many points it can be matched with from the other set. A multimatching between S and T is a way of pairing points such that each point in S is matched with at least as many points in T as its assigned value, and vice versa for each point in T. The cost of a multimatching is defined as the sum of the distances between all matched pairs of points. The geometric multimatching problem seeks to find a multimatching that minimizes this cost. A special case where each point is matched to at most one other point is known as the geometric many-to-many matching problem.

We present two results for these problems when the underlying metric space has a bounded doubling dimension. Specifically, we provide the first near-linear-time approximation scheme for the geometric multimatching problem in terms of the output size. Additionally, we improve upon the best-known approximation algorithm for the geometric many-to-many matching problem, previously introduced by Bandyapadhyay and Xue (SoCG 2024), which won the best paper award at SoCG 2024.

This is joint work with Shinwoo An and Jie Xue.

Eunjin Oh (오은진), Parameterized algorithms for the planar disjoint paths problem

Given an undirected planar graph $G$ with $n$ vertices and a set $T$ of $k$ pairs $(s_i,t_i)_{i=1}^k$ of vertices, the goal of the planar disjoint paths problem is to find a set $\mathcal P$ of $k$ pairwise vertex-disjoint paths connecting $s_i$ and $t_i$ for all indices $i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}$. This problem has been studied extensively due to its numerous applications such as VLSI layout and circuit routing. However, this problem is NP-complete even for grid graphs. This motivates the study of this problem from the viewpoint of parameterized algorithms.

In this talk, I will present a $2^{O(k^2)}n$-time algorithm for the planar disjoint paths problem. This improves the two previously best-known algorithms: $2^{2^{O(k)}}n$-time algorithm [Discrete Applied Mathematics 1995] and $2^{O(k^2)}n^6$-time algorithm [STOC 2020].

This is joint work with Kyungjin Cho and Seunghyeok Oh.

Eunjin Oh (오은진), Feedback Vertex Set on Geometric Intersection Graphs

I am going to present an algorithm for computing a feedback vertex set of a unit disk graph of size k, if it exists, which runs in time $2^{O(\sqrt{k})}(n + m)$, where $n$ and $m$ denote the numbers of vertices and edges, respectively. This improves the $2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log k)}(n + m)$-time algorithm for this problem on unit disk graphs by Fomin et al. [ICALP 2017].

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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