Jeong Han Kim (김정한) Cory T. Palmer Martin Balko Dong Yeap Kang (강동엽) Boram Park (박보람) Dániel Gerbner
DIMAG had its first workshop “2019-1 IBS Workshop on Graph Theory” on February 11 and 12, 2019. There were 6 invited talks — Jeong Han Kim (KIAS), Cory T. Palmer (Univ. of Montana), Martin Balko (Charles Univ.), Dong Yeap Kang (KAIST), Boram Park (Ajou Univ.), and Dániel Gerbner (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics). We would like to thank all speakers and participants.
The talks are recorded but due to technical problems, only four talks are available online.