On December 17, 2020, Jaiung Jun (전재웅) from SUNY New Paltz presented an online talk introducing multi-complexes and their Hopf algebra at the Virtual Discrete Math Colloquium. The title of his talk was “On the Hopf algebra of multi-complexes“.
(The photo above was taken last year in his other seminar talk.)
On December 26, Thursday, Jaiung Jun (전재웅) from SUNY New Paltz gave a talk at the discrete math seminar held at KAIST. The title of his talk was “The Hall algebra of the category of matroids“.
To an abelian category A satisfying certain finiteness conditions, one can associate an algebra H_A (the Hall algebra of A) which encodes the structures of the space of extensions between objects in A. For a non-additive setting, Dyckerhoff and Kapranov introduced the notion of proto-exact categories, as a non-additive generalization of an exact category, which is shown to suffice for the construction of an associative Hall algebra. In this talk, I will discuss the category of matroids in this perspective.