Niloufar Fuladi gave a talk on how to find a short canonical decomposition of a non-orientable surface given with a triangulation at the Discrete Math Seminar

On May 14, 2024, Niloufar Fuladi from the INRIA Center of Université de Lorraine gave a talk at the Discrete Math Seminar on how to find a short canonical decomposition of a non-orientable surface given with a triangulation. The title of her talk was “Cross-cap drawings and signed reversal distance“. She has been visiting the IBS Discrete Mathematics Group since mid-April.

Tony Huynh gave a talk at the Discrete Math Seminar on the conjecture of Ahranoi on the existence of a short rainbow cycle

On May 7, 2024, Tony Huynh from Sapienza Università di Roma gave a talk on the conjecture of Aharoni on the existence of a short rainbow cycle at the Discrete Math Seminar. The title of his talk was “Aharoni’s rainbow cycle conjecture holds up to an additive constant“.

Tony Huynh has been visiting the IBS Discrete Mathematics Group since April 15.

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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