Joonkyung Lee (이준경), Sidorenko’s conjecture for blow-ups

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

A celebrated conjecture of Sidorenko and Erdős–Simonovits states that, for all bipartite graphs H, quasirandom graphs contain asymptotically the minimum number of copies of H taken over all graphs with the same order and edge density. This conjecture has attracted considerable interest over the last decade and is now known to hold for a broad

Joonkyung Lee (이준경), On some properties of graph norms

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

For a graph $H$, its homomorphism density in graphs naturally extends to the space of two-variable symmetric functions $W$ in $L^p$, $p\geq e(H)$, denoted by $t_H(W)$. One may then define corresponding functionals $\|W\|_{H}:=|t_H(W)|^{1/e(H)}$ and $\|W\|_{r(H)}:=t_H(|W|)^{1/e(H)}$ and say that $H$ is (semi-)norming if $\|.\|_{H}$ is a (semi-)norm and that $H$ is weakly norming if $\|.\|_{r(H)}$ is

Joonkyung Lee (이준경), On graph norms for complex-valued functions

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

For any given graph $H$, one may define a natural corresponding functional $\|.\|_H$ for real-valued functions by using homomorphism density. One may also extend this to complex-valued functions, once $H$ is paired with a $2$-edge-colouring $\alpha$ to assign conjugates. We say that $H$ is real-norming (resp. complex-norming) if $\|.\|_H$ (resp. there is $\alpha$ such that


Joonkyung Lee (이준경), On Ramsey multiplicity

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

Ramsey's theorem states that, for a fixed graph $H$, every 2-edge-colouring of $K_n$ contains a monochromatic copy of $H$ whenever $n$ is large enough. Perhaps one of the most natural questions after Ramsey's theorem is then how many copies of monochromatic $H$ can be guaranteed to exist. To formalise this question, let the Ramsey multiplicity


Joonkyung Lee (이준경), On common graphs

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

A graph $H$ is common if the number of monochromatic copies of $H$ in a 2-edge-colouring of the complete graph $K_n$ is minimised by the random colouring. Burr and Rosta, extending a famous conjecture by Erdős, conjectured that every graph is common. The conjectures by Erdős and by Burr and Rosta were disproved by Thomason and

Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics (2021 KMS Spring Meeting)

A special session "Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics" at the 2021 KMS Spring Meeting is organized by Tuan Tran. URL: Speakers and Schedule All talks are on April 30. Joonkyung Lee (이준경), University College London Majority dynamics on sparse random graphs Dong Yeap Kang (강동엽), Unversity of Birmingham The Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture and related results  Jinyoung

Joonkyung Lee (이준경), Majority dynamics on sparse random graphs

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

Majority dynamics on a graph $G$ is a deterministic process such that every vertex updates its $\pm 1$-assignment according to the majority assignment on its neighbor simultaneously at each step. Benjamini, Chan, O'Donnell, Tamuz and Tan conjectured that, in the Erdős-Rényi random graph $G(n,p)$, the random initial $\pm 1$-assignment converges to a $99\%$-agreement with high

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