Casey Tompkins, On graphs without cycles of length 0 modulo 4
Room B332 IBS (기초과학연구원)Bollobás proved that for every
Bollobás proved that for every
The positive discrepancy of a graph
Delta-matroids are a generalization of matroids with connections to many parts of graph theory and combinatorics (such as matching theory and the structure of topological graph embeddings). Formally, a delta-matroid …
We say that two functors Λ and Γ between thin categories of relational structures are adjoint if for all structures A and B, we have that Λ(A) maps homomorphically to …
A family
In 2017, Aharoni proposed the following generalization of the Caccetta-Häggkvist conjecture for digraphs. If G is a simple n-vertex edge-colored graph with n color classes of size at least r, …
A cross-cap drawing of a graph G is a drawing on the sphere with g distinct points, called cross-caps, such that the drawing is an embedding except at the cross-caps, …
Very little is known about critical properties of graphs in the hierarchy of monotone classes, i.e. classes closed under taking (not necessarily induced) subgraphs. We distinguish four important levels in …
Two-way online correlated selection (two-way OCS) is an online algorithm that, at each timestep, takes a pair of elements from the ground set and irrevocably chooses one of the two …
A vertex colouring of a hypergraph is