
Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (3/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (4/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (5/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (6/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (7/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (8/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.

Hong Liu (刘鸿), A solution to Erdős and Hajnal’s odd cycle problem

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

I will go over the history on the study of the set of cycle lengths of graphs with large average degree or chromatic number, and discuss recent work with Richard Montgomery on this topic. In particular, we will see the divergence of harmonic sum of odd cycle lengths in graphs with large chromatic number and

Hong Liu (刘鸿), Nested cycles with no geometric crossing

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

In 1975, Erdős asked the following question: what is the smallest function $f(n)$ for which all graphs with $n$ vertices and $f(n)$ edges contain two edge-disjoint cycles $C_1$ and $C_2$, such that the vertex set of $C_2$ is a subset of the vertex set of $C_1$ and their cyclic orderings of the vertices respect each

Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics (2021 KMS Spring Meeting)

A special session "Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics" at the 2021 KMS Spring Meeting is organized by Tuan Tran. URL: Speakers and Schedule All talks are on April 30. Joonkyung Lee (이준경), University College London Majority dynamics on sparse random graphs Dong Yeap Kang (강동엽), Unversity of Birmingham The Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture and related results  Jinyoung

Hong Liu, Sublinear expander and embeddings sparse graphs


A notion of sublinear expander has played a central role in the resolutions of a couple of long-standing conjectures in embedding problems in graph theory, including e.g. the odd cycle problem of Erdős and Hajnal that the harmonic sum of odd cycle length in a graph diverges with its chromatic number. I will survey some

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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