Hong Liu, Polynomial Schur’s Theorem
Room B109 IBS (기초과학연구원)I will discuss the Ramsey problem for {x,y,z:x+y=p(z)} for polynomials p over ℤ. This is joint work with Peter Pach and Csaba Sandor.
I will discuss the Ramsey problem for {x,y,z:x+y=p(z)} for polynomials p over ℤ. This is joint work with Peter Pach and Csaba Sandor.
Invited Speakers Jaehoon Kim (김재훈), KAIST Hong Liu (刘鸿), University of Warwick Abhishek Methuku, IBS Discrete Mathematics Group Péter Pál Pach, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Schedule August 12, Monday 11:00am-12:00pm Jaehoon Kim (김재훈): Tree decompositions of graphs without large bipartite holes 12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch 1:30pm-2:30pm Abhishek Methuku: Bipartite Turán problems for ordered graphs 3:00pm-4:00pm Péter Pál …
Given any integers $s,t\geq 2$, we show there exists some $c=c(s,t)>0$ such that any $K_{s,t}$-free graph with average degree $d$ contains a subdivision of a clique with at least $cd^{\frac{1}{2}\frac{s}{s-1}}$ vertices. In particular, when $s=2$ this resolves in a strong sense the conjecture of Mader in 1999 that every $C_4$-free graph has a subdivision of …
The famous Erdős-Rademacher problem asks for the smallest number of r-cliques in a graph with the given number of vertices and edges. Despite decades of active attempts, the asymptotic value of this extremal function for all r was determined only recently, by Reiher . Here we describe the asymptotic structure of all almost extremal graphs. …
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.