Eun-Kyung Cho (조은경), Independent domination of graphs with bounded maximum degree
Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)The independent domination number of a graph
The independent domination number of a graph
I will discuss various results for rainbow matching problems. In particular, I will introduce a ‘sampling trick’ which can be used to obtain short proofs of old results as well …
We give some natural sufficient conditions for balls in a metric space to have small intersection. Roughly speaking, this happens when the metric space is (i) expanding and (ii) well-spread, …
Motivated from the surrounding property of a point set in
A geometric transversal to a family of convex sets in
The Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture, one of the best known in graph theory, is that in a digraph with
For given
Graph Minor project by Robertson and Seymour is perhaps the deepest theory in Graph Theory. It gives a deep structural characterization of graphs without any graph
In a reduction sequence of a graph, vertices are successively identified until the graph has one vertex. At each step, when identifying
Our talk will mainly focus on the relationship between substructures and eigenvalues of graphs. We will briefly survey recent developments on a conjecture of Bollobás and Nikiforov and a classical …