Gil Kalai, The Cascade Conjecture and other Helly-type Problems
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Reconfiguration is about changing instances in small steps. For example, one can perform certain moves on a Rubik's cube, each of them changing its configuration a bit. In this case, …
Transductions are a general formalism for expressing transformations of graphs (and more generally, of relational structures) in logic. We prove that a graph class C can be FO-transduced from a …
SATNet is a differentiable constraint solver with a custom backpropagation algorithm, which can be used as a layer in a deep-learning system. It is a promising proposal for bridging deep …
We show that if
One of the important work in graph theory is the graph minor theory developed by Robertson and Seymour in 1980-2010. This provides a complete description of the class of graphs …
Twin-width is a recently introduced graph parameter based on vertex contraction sequences. On classes of bounded twin-width, problems expressible in FO logic can be solved in FPT time when provided …
The sphere packing problem asks for the densest packing of nonoverlapping equal-sized balls in the space. This is an old and difficult problem in discrete geometry. In this talk, we …
Given a set
One interesting difference between (nondegenerate) Graph Turán problem and Hypergraph Turán problem is that the hypergraph families can have at least two very different extremal constructions. In this talk, we …