Research Fellows

Methuku, Abhishek
Research Fellow (2019.8.1-2020.1.15)Ph.D. in Mathematics, Central European Univ. (2019).
Advisor: Gyula O. H. Katona and Ervin Győri.
Currently, an assistant professor at UIUC.
Email: abhishekmethuku@ (

Tompkins, Casey
Research Fellow (2019.9.1-2021.11.30)Ph.D. in Mathematics, Central European Univ. (2015).
Ph.D. Advisor: Gyula O. H. Katona
Currently, a post-doctoral researcher at the Rényi Institute, Budapest, Hungary.

Kim, Minki (김민기)
Research Fellow (2020.9.1-2022.1.31)Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, KAIST. (2018).
Ph.D. Advisor: Andreas Holmsen
Currently, an associate professor at GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology), Gwangju, Korea.
Email: minkikim @ (

Tran, Tuan (Trần Mạnh Tuấn)
Young Scientist Fellow (2020.8.1-2022.6.28)Ph.D. in Mathematics, Freie Universität Berlin (2015).
Ph.D. Advisor: Tibor Szabó
Currently, an associate professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China.

Lee, Dabeen (이다빈)
Young Scientist Fellow (2021.1.1-2022.6.30)Research Fellow (2019.6.16-2020.12.31)
Ph.D. in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization, Carnegie Mellon Univ. (2019).
Ph.D. Advisor: Gerards Cornuejols
Currently, an assistant professor at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

Kim, Jinha (김진하)
Visiting Research Fellow (2023.11.16-)Young Scientist Fellow (2023.3.1-2023.8.25)
Research Fellow (2020.9.1-2023.2.28)
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Seoul National University (2019).
Ph.D. Advisor: Woong Kook (국웅)
Currently, an assistant professor at Dept. of Mathematics, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.
Email: jinhakim @

Chakraborti, Debsoumya (দেবসৌম্য চক্রবর্তী)
Research Fellow (2020.8.16-2023.8.31)Ph.D. in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization, Carnegie Mellon Univ. (2020).
Ph.D. Advisor: Po-Shen Loh
Currently, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Warwick, UK.

Cook, Linda
Research Fellow (2021.8.1-2024.7.31)Ph.D. in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton Univ. (2021).
Ph.D. Advisor: Paul Seymour
Currently, a postdoctoral researcher at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, University of Amsterdam.

Gollin, J. Pascal
Young Scientist Fellow (2021.8.1-2024.7.31)Research Fellow (2019.10.1-2021.7.31)
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Universität Hamburg. (2019).
Ph.D. Advisor: Reinhard Diestel
Currently, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Primorska, Slovenia.

Hendrey, Kevin
Research Fellow (2019.8.16-2024.8.15)Ph.D. in Mathematics, Monash Univ. (2019).
Ph.D. Advisor: David R. Wood
Currently, a postdoctoral researcher at Monash University, Australia.

Clifton, Alexander
Research Fellow (2022.8.16-2024.8.31)Ph.D. in Mathematics, Emory Univ. (2022).
Ph.D. Advisor: Hao Huang
Currently, a postdoctoral researcher at Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech.

Wiederrecht, Sebastian
Research Fellow (2022.7.16-2024.9.30)Ph.D. from Technische Universität Berlin (2021).
Ph.D. Advisor: Stephan Kreutzer
Currently, an assistant professor at the School of Computing, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
Visiting Research Fellows

Choi, Jeong Ok (최정옥)
Visiting Research Fellow (2020.9.1-2021.8.31)Associate Professor at GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology).
Ph.D. in Mathematics, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2008).

Shin, Heesung (신희성)
Visiting Research Fellow (2020.9.1-2021.8.31)Professor at Dept. of Mathematics, Inha University.
Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, KAIST (2007).

Yang, Hongseok (양홍석)
Visiting Research Fellow (2022.2.28-2023.2.24)Professor at School of Computing, KAIST.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, UIUC (2001).
Visiting Researchers

Kim, Ringi (김린기)
Visiting ResearcherPreviously, a Research Assistant Professor at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST.
Currently, an Associate Professor at Dept. of Mathematics, Inha University.
Advisor: Paul Seymour

Zhang, Xin (张欣)
Visiting Scholar (2019.8.1-2020.7.31)Associate Professor of Xidian University, China.
Email: xzhang @ (

Xu, Chuandong (徐川东)
Visiting Researcher (2023.6.21-2024.6.20)Lecturer at Xidian University, Xian, China.
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China (2016).
Email: xuchuandong @ (

Kang, Dong Yeap (강동엽)
Graduate Student ( – 2020.2)Previously, a graduate student at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST, 2014.3-2020.2.
Currently, a Young Scientist Fellow at the IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group, Korea from June 2023.
Email: dykang.math@ (

Lee, Duksang (이덕상)
Graduate Student ( – 2022.12)Previously, a graduate student at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST since March 2018.
Currently at the Institute of Advanced Technology Development of Hyundai Motor Group.

Ahn, Jungho (안정호)
Graduate Student ( – 2023.8)Previously, a graduate student at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST since March 2018.
Currently, a post-doctoral researcher at Durham University.
Email: junghoahn@ (

Kim, Donggyu (김동규)
Graduate Student (2019.7-2025.2)Previously, a graduate student at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST since March 2019.
Currently, a visiting assistant professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Email: donggyu@kaist

Wee, Sounggun (위성군)
Graduate Student (2020.1-2023.2)Previously, a graduate student at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST since Sep. 2019.
Email: tjdrns2704@kaist

Overman, William
Visiting Student (2019.6 – 2019.8, 2021.3-2021.8)Previously, an undergraduate student at California
Institute of Technology, -2020.6.
Currently, a graduate student at Stanford University.
Email: wpo@ (

Kook, Yunbum (국윤범)
Visiting Student (2020.7-2021.6)Previously, an undergraduate student at Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST since March 2015.
Currently, a graduate student at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Email: yb.kook@ (

Reinald, Amadeus
Visiting Graduate Student (2022.5.18-2022.8.26)Previously, a graduate student at the ENS de Lyon, France.
Currently, a graduate student at the University of Montpellier and LIRMM.
Email: amadeus.reinald @ (

Do, Tuan Anh (Tuấn Anh Đỗ)
Visiting Graduate Student (2022.3.1-2022.8.31)Previously, a graduate student at the Technical University of Graz, Austria.
Currently, a lecturer at the Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, Vietnam.
Email: dotuananh @ (

Coste, Louann
Visiting Graduate Student (2023.5.4-2023.8.2)Graduate Student at the ENS-Lyon, Lyon, France.
Email: louann.coste @ (

Buffière, Hector
Visiting Graduate Student (2023.4.5-2023.8.22)Previously, a Master Student at the ENS-PSL, Paris, France.
Currently, a PhD student at IRIF, France.Email: hector.buffiere @ (

Cho, Ara
조아라Email: ara
Dec. 2018 – March 2019

Kim, Bongjae
김봉재Email: bjkim
Dec. 2018 – March 2019

Park, Su Dong
박수동Email: triznik
Feb. 2019 – April 2020

Jeong, Minyoung
정민영April 2019 – March 2021

Lee, Yujung
이유정Email: yujung
April 2021 – Sep. 2021

Han, SangJi
한상지Email: shan706
Oct. 2021 – April 2022

Kim, Yeyoung
김예영Email: yykim
Nov. 2021 – June 6, 2022

Oh, Mia
오미아Email: mao
Sep. 2021 – May 4, 2023

Kim, Garam
김가람June 21, 2023 – Sep. 15, 2023

Park, Seongjoo
박성주May 2021 – October 26, 2023

Song, Jonghyeon
송종현September 12, 2023 – November 13, 2023

Jeong, Jihyeon
정지현November 15, 2023 – February 12, 2024.

Jin, Mi Suk
진미숙April 12, 2023 – February 27, 2024.

Shin, Ji Eun
신지은Office: B378
T: 8501
Email: sje
Dec. 28, 2021 – August 31, 2024.

Kim, Sohyun
김소현October 26, 2023 – October 10, 2024.

Heo, Yunjin
허윤진T: 8632
Email: yjheo9876
October 11, 2024-December 15, 2024.

Lee, Gileun
T: 8629
Email: eun
October 11, 2024-December 15, 2024.

Yeo, Jiyeon
여지연Office: B378
T: 8225
Email: jyyeo
September 1, 2024-December 31, 2024.