Maya Sankar, Homotopy and the Homomorphism Threshold of Odd Cycles
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Various types of independent sets have been studied for decades. As an example, the minimum number of maximal independent sets in a connected graph of given order is easy to determine (hint; the answer is written in the stars). When considering this question for twin-free graphs, it becomes less trivial and one discovers some surprising …
The Graphic Travelling Salesman Problem is the problem of finding a spanning closed walk (a TSP walk) of minimum length in a given connected graph. The special case of the Graphic TSP on subcubic graphs has been studied extensively due to their worst-case behaviour in the famous
I will first introduce the notion of recognisability of languages of terms and then its extensions to sets of relational structures. In a second step, I will discuss relations with decompositions of graphs/matroids and why their MSOL-definability is related to understanding recognisable sets. I will finally explain how to define in MSOL branch-decompositions for finitely …
We introduce the notion of delineation. A graph class
Distributed certification, whether it be proof-labeling schemes, locally checkable proofs, etc., deals with the issue of certifying the legality of a distributed system with respect to a given boolean predicate. A certificate is assigned to each process in the system by a non-trustable oracle, and the processes are in charge of verifying these certificates, so that two …
The first course in graph theory usually covers concepts such as matchings, independent sets, colourings, and forbidden subgraphs. Around 2004, Borgs, Chayes, Lovász, Sós, Szegedy, and Vestergombi introduced a very fruitful limit perspective on graphs. The central objects of this theory, so-called graphons, are suitable measurable counterparts to graphs. In the talk, I will outline …
The Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture (posed in 1972) states that the chromatic index of any linear hypergraph on n vertices is at most n. In this talk, I will sketch a proof of this conjecture for every large n. Joint work with D. Kang, T. Kelly, D. Kühn and D. Osthus.
We show that there is no
Hadwiger's famous coloring conjecture states that every t-chromatic graph contains a