Suil O (오수일), Eigenvalues and [a, b]-factors in regular graphs
Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)For positive integers,
For positive integers,
For a graph
We give a strongly polynomial-time algorithm for integer linear programs defined by integer coefficient matrices whose subdeterminants are bounded by a constant and that contain at most two nonzero entries …
In the k-cut problem, we are given an edge-weighted graph and want to find the least-weight set of edges whose deletion breaks the graph into k connected components. It is …
Tree decompositions are a powerful tool in structural graph theory; they are traditionally used in the context of forbidden graph minors. Connecting tree decompositions and forbidden induced subgraphs has until …
We show that for pairs (Q,R) and (S,T) of disjoint subsets of vertices of a graph G, if G is sufficiently large, then there exists a vertex v in V(G)−(Q∪R∪S∪T) such …
We call an induced cycle of length at least four a hole. The parity of a hole is the parity of its length. Forbidding holes of certain types in a graph …
Twin-width is a new parameter informally measuring how diverse are the neighbourhoods of the graph vertices, and it extends also to other binary relational structures, e.g. to digraphs and posets. It was introduced …
The Weighted