Sebastian Wiederrecht, Matching Minors in Bipartite Graphs

Zoom ID: 869 4632 6610 (ibsdimag)

Matching minors are a specialisation of minors which preserves the existence and elementary structural properties of perfect matchings. They were first discovered as part of the study of the Pfaffian recognition problem on bipartite graphs (Polya's Permanent Problem) and acted as a major inspiration for the definition of butterfly minors in digraphs. In this talk

Casey Tompkins, Ramsey numbers of Boolean lattices

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

The poset Ramsey number $R(Q_{m},Q_{n})$ is the smallest integer $N$ such that any blue-red coloring of the elements of the Boolean lattice $Q_{N}$ has a blue induced copy of $Q_{m}$ or a red induced copy of $Q_{n}$. Axenovich and Walzer showed that $n+2\le R(Q_{2},Q_{n})\le2n+2$. Recently, Lu and Thompson improved the upper bound to $\frac{5}{3}n+2$. In

Tuukka Korhonen, Fast FPT-Approximation of Branchwidth

Zoom ID: 869 4632 6610 (ibsdimag)

Branchwidth determines how graphs, and more generally, arbitrary connectivity (basically symmetric and submodular) functions could be decomposed into a tree-like structure by specific cuts. We develop a general framework for designing fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) 2-approximation algorithms for branchwidth of connectivity functions. The first ingredient of our framework is combinatorial. We prove a structural theorem establishing

Seonghyuk Im (임성혁), Large clique subdivisions in graphs without small dense subgraphs

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

What is the largest number $f(d)$ where every graph with average degree at least $d$ contains a subdivision of $K_{f(d)}$? Mader asked this question in 1967 and $f(d) = \Theta(\sqrt{d})$ was proved by Bollobás and Thomason and independently by Komlós and Szemerédi. This is best possible by considering a disjoint union of $K_{d,d}$. However, this

Eun-Kyung Cho (조은경), Independent domination of graphs with bounded maximum degree

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

The independent domination number of a graph $G$, denoted $i(G)$, is the minimum size of an independent dominating set of $G$. In this talk, we prove a series of results regarding independent domination of graphs with bounded maximum degree. Let $G$ be a graph with maximum degree at most $k$ where $k \ge 1$. We prove that

David Munhá Correia, Rainbow matchings

Zoom ID: 869 4632 6610 (ibsdimag)

I will discuss various results for rainbow matching problems. In particular, I will introduce a ‘sampling trick’ which can be used to obtain short proofs of old results as well as to solve asymptotically some well known conjectures. This is joint work with Alexey Pokrovskiy and Benny Sudakov.

Tuan Tran, Exponential decay of intersection volume with applications on list-decodability and sphere-covering bounds

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

We give some natural sufficient conditions for balls in a metric space to have small intersection. Roughly speaking, this happens when the metric space is (i) expanding and (ii) well-spread, and (iii) certain random variable on the boundary of a ball has a small tail. As applications, we show that the volume of intersection of

Seunghun Lee (이승훈), Transversals and colorings of simplicial spheres

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

Motivated from the surrounding property of a point set in $\mathbb{R}^d$ introduced by Holmsen, Pach and Tverberg, we consider the transversal number and chromatic number of a simplicial sphere. As an attempt to give a lower bound for the maximum transversal ratio of simplicial $d$-spheres, we provide two infinite constructions. The first construction gives infinitely

Andreas Holmsen, Some recent results on geometric transversals

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

A geometric transversal to a family of convex sets in $\mathbb R^d$ is an affine flat that intersects the members of the family. While there exists a far-reaching theory concerning 0-dimensional transversals (intersection patterns of convex sets), much less is known when it comes to higher-dimensional transversals. In this talk, I will present some new

Ron Aharoni, A strong version of the Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture

Zoom ID: 869 4632 6610 (ibsdimag)

The Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture, one of the best known in graph theory, is that in a digraph with $n$ vertices in which all outdegrees are at least $n/k$ there is a directed cycle of length at most $k$. This is known for  large values of $k$, relatively to n, and asymptotically for n large. A few

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
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IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
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