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Dillon Mayhew, Monadic second-order definability for gain-graphic matroids
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 @ 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM KST
Every (finite) matroid consists of a (finite) set called the ground set, and a collection of distinguished subsets called the independent sets. A classic example arises when the ground set is a finite set of vectors from a vector space, and the independent subsets are exactly the subsets that are linearly independent. Any such matroid is said to be representable. We can think of a representable matroid as being a geometrical configuration where the points have been given coordinates from a field. Another important class arises when the points are given coordinates from a group. Such a class is said to be gain-graphic.
Monadic second-order logic is a natural language for matroid applications. In this language we are able to quantify only over subsets of the ground set. The importance of monadic second-order logic comes from its connections to the theory of computation, as exemplified by Courcelle’s Theorem. This theorem provides polynomial-time algorithms for recognising properties defined in monadic second-order logic (as long as we impose a bound on the structural complexity of the input objects). It is natural to ask which classes of matroids can be defined by sentences in monadic second-order logic. When the class consists of the matroids that are coordinatized by a field we have a complete answer to this question. When the class is coordinatized by a group the problem becomes much harder.
This talk will contain a brief introduction to matroids. Based on work with Sapir Ben-Shahar, Matt Conder, Daryl Funk, Angus Matthews, Mike Newman, and Gabriel Verret.