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Semin Yoo (유세민), Paley-like quasi-random graphs arising from polynomials
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 @ 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM KST
We provide new constructions of families of quasi-random graphs that behave like Paley graphs but are neither Cayley graphs nor Cayley sum graphs. These graphs give a unified perspective of studying various graphs defined by polynomials over finite fields, such as Paley graphs, Paley sum graphs, and graphs associated with Diophantine tuples and their generalizations from number theory. As an application, we provide new lower bounds on the clique number and independence number of general quasi-random graphs. In particular, we give a sufficient condition for the clique number of quasi-random graphs of order $n$ to be at least $(1-o(1))\log_{3.008}n$. Such a condition applies to many classical quasi-random graphs, including Paley graphs and Paley sum graphs, as well as some new Paley-like graphs we construct. If time permits, we also discuss some problems of diophantine tuples arising from number theory, which is our original motivation.
This is joint work with Seoyoung Kim and Chi Hoi Yip.