Current Graduate Students
- Donggyu Kim (김동규). Ph.D. Student, 2019.7-current.
- Seokbeom Kim (김석범). Ph.D. Student, 2022.7-current.
- Mujin Choi (최무진). Ph.D. Student, 2024.1-current.
Current Post-docs
- Ben Lund. 2020.8.1-. Ph.D. at Rutgers Univ., 2017. Advisor: Shubhangi Saraf. [IBS]
- Rutger Campbell. 2020.8.16-. Ph.D. at Univ. of Waterloo, 2020. Advisor: Jim Geelen. [IBS]
- Semin Yoo (유세민). 2024.4.1-. Ph.D. at University of Rochester, 2021. Advisor: Jonathan Pakianathan. [IBS]
- Meike Hatzel. 2024.8.1-. Ph.D. at Technische Universität Berlin, 2021. Advisor: Stephan Kreutzer. [IBS]
- Colin Geniet. 2024.9.1-. Ph.D. at ENS de Lyon, 2024. Advisor: Stéphan Thomassé. [IBS]
- Maximilian Gorsky. 2024.11.1-. Ph.D. at Technische Universität Berlin, 2024. Advisor: Stephan Kreutzer. [IBS]
Former Graduate Students
- Ph.D.
- O-joung Kwon (권오정). Ph.D. 2015.8., M.S. 2012.8. (Currently, an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Hanyang University.)
Ph.D. thesis: On the structural and algorithmic properties of linear rank-width - Jisu Jeong (정지수). Ph.D., 2018.2. M.S., 2013.8. (Currently, a Data Scientist at Naver Corporation. Previously at Watcha and SAMSUNG SDS.)
Ph.D. thesis: Parameterized algorithms for width parameters - Dong Yeap Kang (강동엽). Ph.D. 2020.2. M.S., 2016.2. (Currently, a Young Scientist Fellow at the Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Korea. Previously, a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham.)
Ph.D. thesis: Graph Decompositions and Related Extremal Problems - Duksang Lee (이덕상). Ph.D., 2023.2. (Currently working at the Hyundai Motor Group현대자동차. Previously a postdoctoral researcher at KAIST.)
Ph.D. thesis: Structural results on delta-matroids and connectivities of graph vertex-minors - Jungho Ahn (안정호). Ph.D., 2023.8. M.S., 2020.2. (Currently, a Research Fellow at KIAS, Seoul, Korea.)
Ph.D. thesis: Algorithmic and structural aspects of graph parameters
- O-joung Kwon (권오정). Ph.D. 2015.8., M.S. 2012.8. (Currently, an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Hanyang University.)
- M.S.
- Ralph Bottesch. M.S. 2010.8. (Ph.D. at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2016. Currently at the Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria)
- Joohyun Cho (조주현). M.S. 2010.8. (SNT1)
- Joonkyung Lee (이준경). M.S. 2010.2. (Ph.D. at University of Oxford, 2017. Advisor: David Conlon. Currently an assistant professor at Yonsei University)
- Ringi Kim (김린기). M.S. 2011.8. (Ph.D. at Princeton University, 2017. Advisor: Paul Seymour. Currently an assistant professor at Inha University)
- Seongmin Ok (옥성민). M.S. 2012.2. (Ph.D. at Technical University of Denmark, 2015. Advisor: Carsten Thomassen. Currently a Staff Researcher at SAMSUNG Electronics, Korea)
- Geewon Suh (서기원). M.S. 2016.2. (Ph.D. at KAIST)
- Hojin Choi (최호진). M.S., 2016.2. (TmaxSoft)
- Yeong Joon Kang (강영준). M.S., 2019.2. (TmaxSoft)
Former Post-docs
- Tony Huynh 2011.9-2012.8.
Ph.D. at University of Waterloo 2009, Advisor: Jim Geelen. (Assistant Professor at Sapienza Università di Roma) - Maryam Verdian-Rizi 2011.9-2013.8.
Ph.D. at Simon Fraser University 2011, Advisor: Luis A. Goddyn. (UC San Diego) - Jaehoon Kim (김재훈) 2014.6.-2014.8.
Ph.D. at UIUC 2014, Advisor: Alexandr V. Kostochka. (Associate Professor at KAIST) - Younjin Kim (김연진) 2012.9-2015.8.
Ph.D. at UIUC 2011, Advisor: Zoltán Füredi. (IBS Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group) - Ilkyoo Choi (최일규) 2014.6-2017.6.
Ph.D. at UIUC 2014, Advisor: Alexandr V. Kostochka. (Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) - Abhishek Methuku. 2019.8.1-2020.1.15.
Ph.D. at Central European Univ., 2019. Advisor: Gyula O. H. Katona and Ervin Győri. [IBS] (Assistant Professor at UIUC) - Ringi Kim (김린기). 2017.10-2020.8.
Ph.D. at Princeton University, 2016. Advisor: Paul Seymour. [KAIST] (Assistant Professor at Inha University) - Casey Tompkins. 2019.9.1-2021.11.30.
Ph.D. at Central European Univ., 2015. Advisor: Gyula O. H. Katona. [IBS] (Rényi Institute) - Minki Kim (김민기). 2020.9.1-2022.1.31.
Ph.D. at KAIST, 2018. Advisor: Andreas Holmsen. [IBS] (Assistant Professor at GIST) - Dabeen Lee (이다빈). 2019.6.16-2022.6.30.
Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University, 2019. Advisor: Gérard P. Cornuéjols. [IBS] (Assistant Professor at KAIST) - Tuan Tran (Trần Mạnh Tuấn). 2020.8-2022.6.
Ph.D. at Freie Universität Berlin, 2015. Advisor: Tibor Szabó. [IBS] (Associate Professor at USTC) - Jinha Kim (김진하). 2020.9.1-2023.8.25.
Ph.D. at Seoul National University, 2019. Advisor: Woong Kook. [IBS] (Assistant Professor at Chonnam National University) - Debsoumya Chakraborti (দেবসৌম্য চক্রবর্তী). 2020.8.16-2023.8.31.
Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon Univ., 2020. Advisor: Po-Shen Loh. [IBS] (University of Warwick) - J. Pascal Gollin. 2019.10.1-2024.7.31. Ph.D. at Universität Hamburg, 2019. Advisor: Reinhard Diestel. [IBS] (Young Scientist Fellow from August 2021) (University of Primorska)
- Linda Cook. 2021.8.1-2024.7.31. Ph.D. at Princeton University, 2021. Advisor: Paul Seymour. [IBS] (University of Amsterdam)
- Kevin Hendrey. 2019.8.16-2024.8.15. Ph.D. at Monash Univ., 2019. Advisor: David R. Wood. [IBS] (Monash University)
- Alexander Clifton. 2022.8.1-2024.8.30. Ph.D. at the Emory University, 2022. Advisor: Hao Huang. [IBS] (Czech Technical University)
- Sebastian Wiederrecht. 2022.7.16-. Ph.D. at Technische Universität Berlin, 2021. Advisor: Stephan Kreutzer. [IBS] (An assistant professor at KAIST)
Papers written by my students NOT coauthored with me
I am not a co-author of some of the papers of my students. Below, I try to list such papers.
Journal papers
- Matthew Baker, Changxin Ding, and Donggyu Kim, The Jacobian of a regular orthogonal matroid and torsor structures on spanning quasi-trees of ribbon graphs, arXiv:2501.08796, 2024.
- Donggyu Kim, Baker-Bowler theory for Lagrangian Grassmannians, arXiv:2403.02356, 2024.
- Tong Jin and Donggyu Kim, Orthogonal matroids over tracts, arXiv:2303.05353, 2023.
- Duksang Lee, Nam Ho-Nguyen, and Dabeen Lee, Non-smooth and Hölder-smooth submodular maximization, arXiv:2210.06061, 2023.
- Jungho Ahn, Jinha Kim, and O-joung Kwon, Unified almost linear kernels for generalized covering and packing problems on nowhere dense classes, arXiv:2207.06660, 2022.
- Donggyu Kim and Suil O, Eigenvalues and parity factors in graphs, Discrete Math., 346:2021. arXiv:2111.12966.
- Jungho Ahn, Eun Jung Kim, and Euiwoong Lee, Towards constant-factor approximation for chordal / distance-hereditary vertex deletion, Algorithmica, 84:2106-2133, July 2022. arXiv:2009.00809.
- Jungho Ahn, Lars Jaffke, O-joung Kwon, and Paloma T. Lima, Well-partitioned chordal graphs, Discrete Math., 345(10)(Article 112985), October 2022. arXiv:2002.10859.
- Martin Balko, Dániel Gerbner, Dong Yeap Kang, Younjin Kim, and Cory Palmer, Hypergraph based Berge hypergraphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 38:11, 1-13, February 2022. arXiv:1908.00092
- Dong Yeap Kang, Jaehoon Kim, and Hong Liu, On the rational Turán exponents conjecture, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 148(May 2021), 149-172.
- Dong Yeap Kang and Jaehoon Kim, On 1-factors with prescribed lengths in tournaments, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 141(March 2020), 31-71.
- Dong Yeap Kang, Sparse highly connected spanning subgraphs in dense directed graphs, Combin. Probab. Comput.,28(3)(May 2019), 423-464.
- Jisu Jeong, Sigve Hortemo Sæther, and Jan Arne Telle, Maximum matching width: new characterizations and a fast algorithm for dominating set, Discrete Appl. Math., 248(October 2018), 114-24.
- Jisu Jeong, Seongmin Ok, and Geewon Suh, Characterizing graphs of maximum matching width at most 2, Discrete Appl. Math., 248(October 2018), 102-113.
- Dong Yeap Kang, O-joung Kwon, Torstein J. F. Strømme, and Jan Arne Telle, A width parameter useful for chordal and co-comparability graphs, Theoretical Computer Sci., 704(December 2017), pp. 1-17.
- Dong Yeap Kang, Jaehoon Kim, Younjin Kim, and Geewon Suh, Sparse spanning k-connected subgraphs in tournaments, SIAM J. Discrete Math, 31(3)(2017), pp. 2206-2227.
- Hojin Choi and Young Soo Kwon, On t-common list-colorings, Electronic J. Combin., 24(2017), #P3.32
- Isolde Adler, Mamadou Moustapha Kanté, and O-joung Kwon, Linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs I. A polynomial-time algorithm, Algorithmica, 78(May 2017), pp. 342-377.
- Mamadou Moustapha Kanté, Eun Jung Kim, O-Joung Kwon, and Christophe Paul, An FPT algorithm and a polynomial kernel for linear rankwidth-1 vertex deletion, Algorithmica, 79(1)(September 2017), pp. 66–95.
- Dong Yeap Kang, Jaehoon Kim, Younjin Kim, and Hiu-Fai Law, On the number of r-matchings in a tree, Electronic J. of Combin., 24(2017), #P1.24 (pp. 16)
- Hojin Choi, Ilkyoo Choi, Jisu Jeong, and Geewon Suh, (1,k)-coloring of graphs with girth at least 5 on a surface, J. Graph Theory, 84(April 2017), pp. 521-535.
- Hans L. Bodlaender, Stefan Kratsch, Vincent Kreuzen, O-joung Kwon, and Seongmin Ok, Characterizing width two for variants of treewidth, Discrete Appl. Math., 216(January 2017), pp. 29-46.
- Petr Hliněný, O-joung Kwon, Jan Obdržálek, and Sebastian Ordyniak, Tree-depth and vertex-minors, European J. Combin. 56:46-56, 2016.
- Dong Yeap Kang, Jaehoon Kim, and Younjin Kim, On the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem and the Bollobás theorem for t-intersecting families, European J. Combin. 47: 68-74, 2015.
Refereed Conference Papers
- Jungho Ahn, Jinha Kim, and O-joung Kwon, Unified almost linear kernels for generalized covering and packing problems on nowhere dense classes, In the Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2023, Kyoto, Japan, December 3-6, 2023), 283:Art. no. 5, December 2023.
- Jungho Ahn, Lars Jaffke, O-joung Kwon, and Paloma T. Lima, Three problems on well-partitioned chordal graphs, In the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC2021, May 10-12, 2021), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 12701, pp. 23-36, 2021.
- Jungho Ahn, Eun Jung Kim, and Euiwoong Lee, Towards constant-factor approximation for chordal / distance-hereditary vertex deletion, In the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC2020, December 14-18, 2020, Hong Kong), Article No. 62; pp. 62:1-62:16, 2020.
- Jungho Ahn, Lars Jaffke, O-joung Kwon, and Paloma T. Lima, Well-partitioned chordal graphs: obstruction set and disjoint paths, In the Proceedings of the 46th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG2020, June 24-26, 2020, Leeds, UK), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 12301, pp. 148-160, 2020.
- Dong Yeap Kang, O-joung Kwon, Torstein J.F. Strømme, and Jan Arne Telle, A width parameter useful for chordal and co-comparability graphs, In S. H. Poon, M. Rahman, H. C. Yen, editors, WALCOM: Algorithms and Computations (Hsinchu, Taiwan, March 29-31, 2017), volume 10167 of Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., pages 93-105, Springer, 2017.
- Jisu Jeong, Sigve Hortemo Sæther, and Jan Arne Telle. Maximum matching width: New characterizations and a fast algorithm for dominating set. In T. Husfeldt and I. Kanj, editors, 10th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2015), volume 43 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 212–223, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2015.
- Isolde Adler, Mamadou M. Kanté, and O-joung Kwon. Linear rank-width of distance-hereditary graphs. In D. Kratsch and I. Todinca, editors, Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 40th International Workshop, WG 2014, volume 8747 of Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., pages 42–55. Springer, 2014.