Eun-Kyung Cho (조은경), Decomposition of a planar graph into a $d$-degenerate graph and a graph with maximum degree at most $h$

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

Given a graph $G$, a decomposition of $G$ is a collection of spanning subgraphs $H_1, \ldots, H_t$ of $G$ such that each edge of $G$ is an edge of $H_i$ for exactly one $i \in \{1, \ldots, t\}$. Given a positive integer $d$, a graph is said to be $d$-degenerate if every subgraph of it has

Eun-Kyung Cho (조은경), Independent domination of graphs with bounded maximum degree

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

The independent domination number of a graph $G$, denoted $i(G)$, is the minimum size of an independent dominating set of $G$. In this talk, we prove a series of results regarding independent domination of graphs with bounded maximum degree. Let $G$ be a graph with maximum degree at most $k$ where $k \ge 1$. We prove that

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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