Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (2/8)
Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.
For any given graph $H$, one may define a natural corresponding functional $\|.\|_H$ for real-valued functions by using homomorphism density. One may also extend this to complex-valued functions, once $H$ …
The asymptotic dimension of metric spaces is an important notion in geometric group theory. The metric spaces considered in this talk are the ones whose underlying spaces are the vertex-sets …
We introduce some of well-known game-theoretic graph models and related problems. A contagion game model explains how an innovation diffuses over a given network structure and focuses on finding conditions …