Kevin Hendrey, Product Structure of Graph Classes with Bounded Treewidth
Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)The strong product
The strong product
Thresholds for increasing properties of random structures are a central concern in probabilistic combinatorics and related areas. In 2006, Kahn and Kalai conjectured that for any nontrivial increasing property on …
Thresholds for increasing properties of random structures are a central concern in probabilistic combinatorics and related areas. In 2006, Kahn and Kalai conjectured that for any nontrivial increasing property on …
A subset of a group is said to be product free if it does not contain the product of two elements in it. We consider how large can a product …
We call an order type inscribable if it is realized by a point configuration where all extreme points are all on a circle. In this talk, we investigate inscribability of …
We confirm a conjecture of Gartland and Lokshtanov : if for a hereditary graph class
We show a flow-augmentation algorithm in directed graphs: There exists a polynomial-time algorithm that, given a directed graph G, two integers
Random walks and spectral methods have had a strong influence on modern graph algorithms as evidenced by the extensive literature on the subject. In this talk, I will present how …
Property testers are probabilistic algorithms aiming to solve a decision problem efficiently in the context of big-data. A property tester for a property P has to decide (with high probability …
A temporal graph is a graph whose edges are available only at specific times. In this scenario, the only valid walks are the ones traversing adjacent edges respecting their availability, …