Minki Kim (김민기), Rainbow paths and rainbow matchings
Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)We prove that if
We prove that if
Erdős and Pósa proved in 1965 that there is a duality between the maximum size of a packing of cycles and the minimum size of a vertex set hitting all …
Graph saturation is one of the oldest areas of investigation in extremal combinatorics. A graph
We propose a theoretical analysis of recommendation systems in an online setting, where items are sequentially recommended to users over time. In each round, a user, randomly picked from a …
Corneil, Olariu, and Stewart presented a recognition algorithm for interval graphs by six graph searches. Li and Wu simplified it to only four. The great simplicity of the latter algorithm …
In 1975, Erdős asked the following question: what is the smallest function
The twin-width of a graph G can be defined as the least integer d such that there is a sequence of length |V(G)| of (strictly) coarser and coarser partitions of …
We show that that the maximum number of of edges in a
A pure pair in a graph G is a pair of subsets A, B of the vertex set of G such that in G, either all of the edges or …
In this talk we will have a brief introduction to oriented matroids and their relation to real-representability.