James Davies, Odd distances in colourings of the plane
Room B332 IBS (기초과학연구원)We prove that every finite colouring of the plane contains a monochromatic pair of points at an odd integral distance from each other.
We prove that every finite colouring of the plane contains a monochromatic pair of points at an odd integral distance from each other.
Determining the density required to ensure that a host graph G contains some target graph as a subgraph or minor is a natural and well-studied question in extremal combinatorics. The …
Given a hypergraph
Dirac's theorem determines the sharp minimum degree threshold for graphs to contain perfect matchings and Hamiltonian cycles. There have been various attempts to generalize this theorem to hypergraphs with larger …
Given a set of lines in
A graph is
We present the KKM theorem and a recent proof method utilizing it that has proven to be very useful for problems in discrete geometry. For example, the method was used …
The Dedekind's Problem asks the number of monotone Boolean functions, a(n), on n variables. Equivalently, a(n) is the number of antichains in the n-dimensional Boolean lattice
Melchior’s Inequality (1941) implies that, in a rank-3 real-representable matroid, the average number of points in a line is less than three. This was extended to the complex-representable matroids by …