Felix Christian Clemen, Triangles in the Plane
Room B332 IBS (기초과학연구원)A classical problem in combinatorial geometry, posed by Erdős in 1946, asks to determine the maximum number of unit segments in a set of $n$ points in the plane. Since …
A classical problem in combinatorial geometry, posed by Erdős in 1946, asks to determine the maximum number of unit segments in a set of $n$ points in the plane. Since …
We will give an overview of the recent attempts of building a structure theory for graphs centered around First-Order transductions: a notion of containment inspired by finite model theory. Particularly, …
Ehrhart theory is the study of lattice polytopes, specifically aimed at understanding how many lattice points are inside dilates of a given lattice polytope, and the study has a wide …
In 2005, Bollobás, Janson and Riordan introduced and extensively studied a general model of inhomogeneous random graphs parametrised by graphons. In particular, they studied the emergence of a giant component …
An $r$-graph is an $r$-regular graph in which every odd set of vertices is connected to its complement by at least $r$ edges. A central question regarding $r$-graphs is determining …
For a positive real number $p$, the $p$-norm $\|G\|_p$ of a graph $G$ is the sum of the $p$-th powers of all vertex degrees. We study the maximum $p$-norm $\mathrm{ex}_{p}(n,F)$ …
An edge-weighted graph $G$, possibly with loops, is said to be antiferromagnetic if it has nonnegative weights and at most one positive eigenvalue, counting multiplicities. The number of graph homomorphisms …
In 1966, Kleitman established that if \( |A \triangle B| \leq d \) for any \( A, B \in \mathcal{F} \), then \( |\mathcal{F}| \leq \sum_{i=0}^{k} \binom{n}{i} \) for \( …
A major goal of additive combinatorics is to understand the structures of subsets A of an abelian group G which has a small doubling K = |A+A|/|A|. Freiman's celebrated theorem …
The peaceable queens problem asks to determine the maximum number $a(n)$ such that there is a placement of $a(n)$ white queens and $a(n)$ black queens on an $n \times n$ …