Hongseok Yang (양홍석), DAG-symmetries and Symmetry-Preserving Neural Networks

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

The preservation of symmetry is one of the key tools for designing data-efficient neural networks. A representative example is convolutional neural networks (CNNs); they preserve translation symmetries, and this symmetry preservation is often attributed to their success in real-world applications. In the machine-learning community, there is a growing body of work that explores a new

Hongseok Yang (양홍석), Learning Symmetric Rules with SATNet

Room B332 IBS (기초과학연구원)

SATNet is a differentiable constraint solver with a custom backpropagation algorithm, which can be used as a layer in a deep-learning system. It is a promising proposal for bridging deep learning and logical reasoning. In fact, SATNet has been successfully applied to learn, among others, the rules of a complex logical puzzle, such as Sudoku,

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
E-mail: dimag@ibs.re.kr, Fax: +82-42-878-9209
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