Minki Kim (김민기), Complexes of graphs with bounded independence number

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

Let $G$ be a graph on $V$ and $n$ a positive integer. Let $I_n(G)$ be the abstract simplicial complex whose faces are the subsets of $V$ that do not contain an independent set of size $n$ in $G$. We study the collapsibility numbers of $I_n(G)$ for various classes of graphs, focusing on the class of


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (1/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (2/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (3/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (4/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (5/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (6/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (7/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.


Hong Liu (刘鸿), Cycles and trees in graphs (8/8)

Zoom ID:8628398170 (123450)

This lecture series covers several different techniques on embedding paths/trees/cycles in (pseudo)random graphs/expanders as (induced) subgraphs.

Joonkyung Lee (이준경), On graph norms for complex-valued functions

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

For any given graph $H$, one may define a natural corresponding functional $\|.\|_H$ for real-valued functions by using homomorphism density. One may also extend this to complex-valued functions, once $H$ is paired with a $2$-edge-colouring $\alpha$ to assign conjugates. We say that $H$ is real-norming (resp. complex-norming) if $\|.\|_H$ (resp. there is $\alpha$ such that

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
E-mail: dimag@ibs.re.kr, Fax: +82-42-878-9209
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