Ben Lund, Thresholds for incidence properties in finite vector spaces
Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)Suppose that
Suppose that
In 1982 Galvin, Rival, and Sands proved that in
To celebrate the opening of the IBS ECOPRO (Extremal Combinatorics and Probability) Group, we will organize a 3-day online conference from April 4 to April 6. Official Website: Invited Speakers Noga Alon Princeton University József Balogh University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Jeff Kahn Rutgers University Mihyun Kang Graz University of Technology Jeong Han Kim …
In 1975, Szemerédi proved that for every real number
The first-order model checking problem for finite graphs asks, given a graph G and a first-order sentence
We introduce an odd coloring of a graph, which was introduced very recently, motivated by parity type colorings of graphs. A proper vertex coloring of graph
We prove that for every graph F with at least one edge there are graphs H of arbitrarily large chromatic number and the same clique number as F such that every F-free induced subgraph of H has chromatic number at most c=c(F). (Here a graph is F-free if it does not contain an induced copy …
In this talk, we introduce homomorphisms between binary matroids that generalize graph homomorphisms. For a binary matroid
The upper tail problem for subgraph counts in the Erdos-Renyi graph, introduced by Janson-Ruciński, has attracted a lot of attention. There is a class of Gibbs measures associated with subgraph counts, called exponential random graph model (ERGM). Despite its importance, lots of fundamental questions have remained unanswered owing to the lack of exact solvability. In …
Hadwiger's transversal theorem gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a line transversal to a family of pairwise disjoint convex sets in the plane. These conditions were subsequently generalized to hyperplane transversals in