Andreas Holmsen, Some recent results on geometric transversals

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

A geometric transversal to a family of convex sets in $\mathbb R^d$ is an affine flat that intersects the members of the family. While there exists a far-reaching theory concerning 0-dimensional transversals (intersection patterns of convex sets), much less is known when it comes to higher-dimensional transversals. In this talk, I will present some new

Ron Aharoni, A strong version of the Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture

Zoom ID: 869 4632 6610 (ibsdimag)

The Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture, one of the best known in graph theory, is that in a digraph with $n$ vertices in which all outdegrees are at least $n/k$ there is a directed cycle of length at most $k$. This is known for  large values of $k$, relatively to n, and asymptotically for n large. A few

Jaehyeon Seo (서재현), A rainbow Turán problem for color-critical graphs

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

For given $k$ graphs $G_1,\dots, G_k$ over a common vertex set of size $n$, what conditions on $G_i$ ensures a 'colorful' copy of $H$, i.e. a copy of $H$ containing at most one edge from each $G_i$? Keevash, Saks, Sudakov, and Verstraëte defined $\operatorname{ex}_k(n,H)$ to be the maximum total number of edges of the graphs

Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi (河原林 健一), Toward Directed Graph Minor Theory

Zoom ID: 869 4632 6610 (ibsdimag)

Graph Minor project by Robertson and Seymour is perhaps the deepest theory in Graph Theory. It gives a deep structural characterization of graphs without any graph $H$ as a minor. It also gives many exciting algorithmic consequences. In this work, I would like to talk about our attempt to extend Graph minor project to directed

O-joung Kwon (권오정), Reduced bandwidth: a qualitative strengthening of twin-width in minor-closed classes (and beyond)

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

In a reduction sequence of a graph, vertices are successively identified until the graph has one vertex. At each step, when identifying $u$ and $v$, each edge incident to exactly one of $u$ and $v$ is coloured red. Bonnet, Kim, Thomassé, and Watrigant defined the twin-width of a graph $G$ to be the minimum integer

Bo Ning (宁博), Substructures and eigenvalues of graphs: Triangles and quadrilaterals

Zoom ID: 869 4632 6610 (ibsdimag)

Our talk will mainly focus on the relationship between substructures and eigenvalues of graphs. We will briefly survey recent developments on a conjecture of Bollobás and Nikiforov and a classical result of Nosal on triangles. In particular, we shall present counting results for previous spectral theorems on triangles and quadrilaterals. If time allows, we will

Pascal Gollin, A unified Erdős-Pósa theorem for cycles in graphs labelled by multiple abelian groups

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

Erdős and Pósa proved in 1965 that there is a duality between the maximum size of a packing of cycles and the minimum size of a vertex set hitting all cycles. We therefore say that cycles satisfy the Erdős-Pósa property. However, while odd cycles do not satisfy the Erdős-Pósa property, Reed proved in 1999 an analogue by

James Davies, Separating polynomial $\chi$-boundedness from $\chi$-boundedness

Zoom ID: 869 4632 6610 (ibsdimag)

We prove that there is a function $f : \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}$ such that for every function $g : \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N} \cup \{\infty\}$ with $g(1)=1$ and $g \ge f$, there is a hereditary class of graphs $\mathcal{G}$ such that for each $\omega \in \mathbb{N}$, the maximum chromatic number of a graph in $\mathcal{G}$ with

Jinha Kim (김진하), Independent domination of graphs with bounded maximum degree

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

An independent dominating set of a graph, also known as a maximal independent set, is a set $S$ of pairwise non-adjacent vertices such that every vertex not in $S$ is adjacent to some vertex in $S$. We prove that for $\Delta=4$ or $\Delta\ge 6$, every connected $n$-vertex graph of maximum degree at most $\Delta$ has

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG)
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