The positive discrepancy of a graph of edge density is defined as the maximum of , where the maximum is taken over subsets of vertices in G. In 1993 Alon proved that if G is a -regular graph on vertices and , then the positive discrepancy of is at least for some constant .
We extend this result by proving lower bounds for the positive discrepancy with average degree d when . We prove that the same lower bound remains true when , while in the ranges and we prove that the positive discrepancy is at least and respectively.
Our proofs are based on semidefinite programming and linear algebraic techniques. Our results are tight when , thus demonstrating a change in the behaviour around when a random graph no longer minimises the positive discrepancy. As a by-product, we also present lower bounds for the second largest eigenvalue of a -regular graph when , thus extending the celebrated Alon-Boppana theorem.
This is joint work with Benjamin Sudakov and István Tomon.