Mathias Schacht gave talk on the existence of a canonically colored copy of a fixed graph in a random graph at the Discrete Math Seminar
On October 8, 2024, Mathias Schacht from the University of Hamburg gave a talk at…
We are hiring! IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) Research Fellowship (Due: December 1, 2024)
The IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG, in Daejeon, Korea invites applications for three research…
Gábor Tardos gave a talk on the extremal problems on 0-1 matrices at the Discrete Math Seminar
On September 24, 2024, Gábor Tardos from the Rényi Institute of Mathematics gave a talk…
Zhihan Jin gave a talk on the analog of Helly’s theorem inside the Hamming cube at the Discrete Math Seminar
On September 10, 2024, Zhihan Jin (金之涵) from ETH Zürich gave a talk at the…
Neal Bushaw gave a talk on the rainbow version of the saturation problem at the Discrete Math Seminar
On September 6, 2024, Neal Bushaw from Virginia Commonwealth University gave a talk at the…
Amadeus Reinald gave a talk on finding an oriented tree inside a digraph of large chromatic number at the Discrete Math Seminar
On September 3, 2024, Amadeus Reinald from LIRMM, Université de Montpellier gave a talk at…