The 2nd East Asia Workshop on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory

UTOP UBLESS Hotel, Jeju, Korea (유탑유블레스호텔제주)

The 2nd East Asia Workshop on Extremal and Structural Graph Theory is a workshop to bring active researchers in the field of extremal and structural graph theory, especially in the East Asia such as China, Japan, and Korea.DateOct 31, 2019 (Arrival Day) - Nov 4, 2019 (Departure Day)Venue and Date1st floor  Diamond HallUTOP UBLESS Hotel,

Sun Kim (김선), Two identities in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook with Bessel function series

Room 1401, Bldg. E6-1, KAIST

On page 335 in his lost notebook, Ramanujan recorded without proofs two identities involving finite trigonometric sums and doubly infinite series of Bessel functions. We proved each of these identities under three different interpretations for the double series, and showed that they are intimately connected with the classical circle and divisor problems in number theory.

Combinatorial and Discrete Optimization (2019 KSIAM Annual Meeting)

Venezia Hotel & Resort Yeosu, Yeosu, Korea (여수 베네치아 호텔) 

Special Session @ 2019 KSIAM Annual MeetingA special session on "Combinatorial and Discrete Optimization" at the 2019 KSIAM Annual Meeting is organized by Dabeen Lee. URL: 8, 2019 – Nov 9, 2019 Address: 61-13 Odongdo-ro, Sujeong-dong, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do (전남 여수시 오동도로 61-13)VenueVenezia Hotel & Resort Yeosu, Yeosu, Korea (여수 베네치아 호텔)  Address: 61-13 Odongdo-ro, Sujeong-dong,

Tony Huynh, Stable sets in graphs with bounded odd cycle packing number

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

It is a classic result that the maximum weight stable set problem is efficiently solvable for bipartite graphs.  The recent bimodular algorithm of Artmann, Weismantel and Zenklusen shows that it is also efficiently solvable for graphs without two disjoint odd cycles.  The complexity of the stable set problem for graphs without $k$ disjoint odd cycles is

Ruth Luo, Induced Turán problems for hypergraphs

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

Let $F$ be a graph. We say that a hypergraph $\mathcal H$ is an induced Berge $F$ if there exists a bijective mapping $f$ from the edges of $F$ to the hyperedges of $\mathcal H$ such that for all $xy \in E(F)$, $f(xy) \cap V(F) = \{x,y\}$. In this talk, we show asymptotics for the maximum number of

Frédéric Meunier, Topological bounds for graph representations over any field

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

Haviv (European Journal of Combinatorics, 2019) has recently proved that some topological lower bounds on the chromatic number of graphs are also lower bounds on their orthogonality dimension over $\mathbb {R}$. We show that this holds actually for all known topological lower bounds and all fields. We also improve the topological bound he obtained for

Jakub Gajarský, First-order interpretations of bounded expansion classes

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

The notion of bounded expansion captures uniform sparsity of graph classes and renders various algorithmic problems that are hard in general tractable. In particular, the model-checking problem for first-order logic is fixed-parameter tractable over such graph classes. With the aim of generalizing such results to dense graphs, we introduce classes of graphs with structurally bounded expansion, defined as first-order interpretations of

Hong Liu, A proof of Mader’s conjecture on large clique subdivisions in $C_4$-free graphs

Room 1401, Bldg. E6-1, KAIST

Given any integers $s,t\geq 2$, we show there exists some $c=c(s,t)>0$ such that any $K_{s,t}$-free graph with average degree $d$ contains a subdivision of a clique with at least $cd^{\frac{1}{2}\frac{s}{s-1}}$ vertices. In particular, when $s=2$ this resolves in a strong sense the conjecture of Mader in 1999 that every $C_4$-free graph has a subdivision of

Attila Joó, Base partition for finitary-cofinitary matroid families

Room B232 IBS (기초과학연구원)

Let ${\mathcal{M} = (M_i \colon i\in K)}$ be a finite or infinite family consisting of finitary and cofinitary matroids on a common ground set $E$. We prove the following Cantor-Bernstein-type result: if $E$ can be covered by sets ${(B_i \colon i\in K)}$ which are bases in the corresponding matroids and there are also pairwise disjoint

Jaiung Jun (전재웅), The Hall algebra of the category of matroids

Room 1401, Bldg. E6-1, KAIST

To an abelian category A satisfying certain finiteness conditions, one can associate an algebra H_A (the Hall algebra of A) which encodes the structures of the space of extensions between objects in A. For a non-additive setting, Dyckerhoff and Kapranov introduced the notion of proto-exact categories, as a non-additive generalization of an exact category, which

IBS 이산수학그룹 Discrete Mathematics Group
기초과학연구원 수리및계산과학연구단 이산수학그룹
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