I moved some of old webpages of seminars, workshops, and winter schools to the Github pages.
KAIST Discrete Math Seminar
Previous URL: mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~sangil/seminar/
New URL: https://sangiloum.github.io/seminar/
This contains the abstracts of all KAIST Discrete Math Seminars from 2008 to sometime in 2019. It is currently continued on the website of the IBS Discrete Mathematics Group.
Previous URL: wsac2010.kaist.ac.kr (not working)
New URL: https://wsac2010.dimag.kr/
2009 Combinatorics Workshop
Previous URL: https://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/workshop/combinatorics2009/
New URL: https://cw2009.combinatorics.kr/
2007 Combinatorics Workshop
Previous URL: https://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/workshop/combinatorics2007/
New URL: https://cw2007.combinatorics.kr/