IBS is inviting applications for Young Scientist Fellowship. The application due is May 31, 2020. To be eligible, one should be within 7 years of obtaining a Ph.D. or under the age of 40 with a Ph.D. (born no earlier than 1 January 1980).
This is a full-time research position and the appointment is for 3 years with a possible 2-year extension depending on the performance review results. (If a current IBS researcher is appointed as YSF, then the maximum duration is 3 years.)
Please check https://www.ibs.re.kr/ysf/ and https://dimag.ibs.re.kr/ysf/for more information.
IBS DIMAG will also have a few openings. The successful candidate will join the discrete mathematics group with his or her own separate research budget.
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