A conference honouring the seventieth birthday of Paul Seymour.
(December 19, 2021) Due to the COVID-19, the organizers decided to cancel the conference “Seymour is Seventy”.
(January 19, 2021) Due to the COVID-19, the organizers decided to postpone the conference “Seymour is Seventy”. We hope to run this event in the summer of 2022 instead. Specific decisions on the dates are to be posted here when the situation clarifies.
(September 14, 2020) Due to the COVID-19, the organizers decided to postpone the conference “Seymour is Seventy” to June 14-18, 2021 tentatively. The final decision will be made at the beginning of 2021.
(March 23, 2020) Due to the COVID-19, the organizers decided to postpone the conference “Seymour is Seventy”. Seymour remains young until further notice.

Important Dates
Deadline for poster submission: March 31, 2020Notification of acceptance of posters: April 3, 2020Early bird registration: April 12, 2020Late registration: May 13, 2020Conference: June 15 – 19, 2020Tentative date: June 14-18, 2021
ENS de Lyon, France. (Travel Instruction)
Plenary Speakers
- Noga Alon, Princeton University / Tel Aviv University
- Maria Chudnovsky, Princeton University
- Julia Chuzhoy, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
- Gérard Cornuéjols, Carnegie Mellon University
- Matt DeVos, Simon Fraser University
- Guoli Ding, Louisiana State University
- Jacob Fox, Stanford University
- András Gyárfás, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Alexandr V. Kostochka, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Chun-Hung Liu, Texas A&M University
- Sergey Norin, McGill University
- Sang-il Oum, IBS Discrete Mathematics Group / KAIST
- Bruce Reed, McGill University
- Alexander Schrijver, University of Amsterdam / CWI Amsterdam
- Alex Scott, University of Oxford
- Sophie Spirkl, University of Waterloo
- Benny Sudakov, ETH Zurich
- Stéphan Thomassé, ENS de Lyon
- Carsten Thomassen, Technical University of Denmark
- Kristina Vušković, University of Leeds
- Paul Wollan, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Submit a poster
Poster submission to Seymour is Seventy is open.
- Deadline to submit a poster:
March 31, 2020.
Late submissions will be considered, with no guarantee on the date of acceptance. - Notification of acceptance:
April 3, 2020. - Instruction: Submit a pdf file on easychair.org website, either the pdf of the poster or a paper on which the poster will be based on. Submission website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=s70
Click here (http://colloques.ens-lyon.fr/eventShow/Seymour2020) to register until April 12, 2020 (early bird) and until May 13, 2020 (late).
Response to the COVID-19
In the case of canceling the whole conference due to the international outbreak of COVID-19, the registration fees will be refunded.
- Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton University)
- Sang-il Oum (IBS Discrete Mathematics Group and KAIST)
- Nicolas Trotignon (CNRS, ENS de Lyon)
- IBS Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG), Daejeon, South Korea
- LIP, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France
- Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton, USA
Remark: SGT 2020
A School on Graph Theory will take place a week before Seymour is Seventy from June 07 to June 12, 2020, in Murol (near Clermont-Ferrand, 160km from Lyon), France.
Website: https://sgt2020.limos.fr/
The school will consist of three series of lectures on the following topics:
- Excluding induced subgraphs, by Paul Seymour.
- Coloring geometric graphs, by Piotr Micek.
- Graphs minors, structure and algorithms, by Paul Wollan.