I’m a Ph.D. student at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in KAIST and the Discrete Mathematics Group (DIMAG) in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS). My supervisor is Sang-il Oum.
My research interests are about graphs, matroids, and delta-matroids, especially, vertex-minors and pivot-minors of graphs, and structural properties of a minor-closed class of matroids and delta-matroids.
- Non-smooth and Hölder-smooth submodular maximization (with Nam Ho-Nguyen, Dabeen Lee), arXiv:2210.06061, 2022
- Γ-graphic delta-matroids and their applications (with Donggyu Kim, Sang-il Oum), arXiv:2104.11383, In the Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC2021, December 6-8, 2021, Fukuoka, Japan), accepted, 2021.
- A chain theorem for sequentially 3-rank-connected graphs with respect to vertex-minors (with Sang-il Oum), arXiv:2110.10390, 2021.
- Characterizing matroids whose bases form graphic delta-matroids (with Sang-il Oum), arXiv:2007.13298, 2020, European J. Combin., 101:103476, March 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejc.2021.103476
- Intertwining Connectivities for vertex-minors and pivot-minors (with Sang-il Oum), arXiv:2106.03414, 2021, SIAM J. Discrete Math.
- A chain theorem for sequentially 3-rank-connected graphs with respect to vertex-minors, 2022 KMS Spring Meeting (April 28-29), Online, Korea.
- Γ-graphic delta-matroids and their applications, 32nd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2021) (December 6-8), Fukuoka, Japan.
- Intertwining Connectivities for vertex-minors and pivot-minors, Discrete Math Seminar(August 10), IBS Discrete Mathematics Group, Daejeon, Korea.
- Characterizing matroids whose bases form graphic delta-matroids, Discrete Math Seminar(November 24), IBS Discrete Mathematics Group, Daejeon, Korea.
- Characterizing matroids whose bases form graphic delta-matroids, 2020 KMS Annual Meeting(October 23-24), Online, Korea.
- duksang@kaist.ac.kr
- ejrtkd0412@naver.com
- B219 Theory Building IBS, 55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
- 3427 Natural Science Building KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34141 South Korea